If you use continuous stationery , please remove sprocket margins and separate the sheets clearly into individual documents for each employee.
The first four horizontal sections printed on a dot-matrix printer using continuous stationery .
Stationery All organisations use printed stationery .
They had even initially used somewhat similar stationery , although with an altered logo.
Manilla A tough brown paper used to produce stationery and wrapping paper.
You could also try to persuade them to use recycled stationery .
Staff have been told to use stocks of old stationery as scrap paper.
And he knew her then, from the stationery shop on their street.
Ann Bailey, who sells stationery at the store from which Revel buys his maps of Bleston.
I took my stationery and reported for duty there.
Onion skin a translucent lightweight paper used in air mail stationery .
Rather, the answers are as close as your telephone, as close as your stationery and as close as your neighbor.
The rest went on books, equipment, stationery and field trips.
You could say the same for luggage and stationery .