High-bay warehouses, as a single volume, can normally be considered as being single storey buildings.
Around the village were scattered single storey dwellings with straw roofs and unpainted walls.
The house was only single-storey , but expansive in the Moorish style, with serial white arches and terracotta tiles.
A Lloyd's signal station was to occupy the top storey , but the offer was not taken up.
The top storey had yielded nothing.
The top storey has no openings and the order is in pilaster form.
Water was soon cascading down the stairs from the top storey .
Didn't we notice that her voice really wasn't that strong when it went right up to the top storey ?
There is a complex layout of these basement halls which were built to support the upper storey state apartments.
The removal of Franca from the upper storey was perhaps the sign that her arrival was imminent.
The pathologist: Injuries consistent with a fall from an upper storey .
The upper storey is in the form of a gallery for women which extends into the church.
The stair-well in this wing indicates an upper storey which presumably would have been much on the same plan.
The nave is barrel vaulted and on its north side a staircase leads to the upper storey which has a round gallery.
The long window of the upper storey was designed to throw the maximum light on the loom.
The upper storey of 180 feet provided accommodation for the library, committee room and living quarters for the gardener.
The Pineta is a two storey building and all the bedrooms are served by a lift.
It was like being in an elevator which suddenly drops from the top of a twenty storey building to the basement.
The authority insists that the two storey buildings are structurally sound and safe.
The five storey building features a circular atrium topped by a stained glass dome.
High-bay warehouses, as a single volume, can normally be considered as being single storey buildings .
The two storey building has space for 300 of the college's students.
A two storey building and some caravans were severely damaged.
Mrs. Burden who lived at number 70, another two storey house was quite a character.
In a large fenced-off security zone, drums pile up to the level of a two storey house .
Detectives launched an enquiry after the body of Michael Chatfield was found as firemen fought a blaze in a three storey house .
Where the trees ended we came to a wooden two-storey house with a low white paling.
Dockbuild Limited also wants to build a three storey office development on the site.
Work has started on a £17.6 million project to build a five storey office headquarters in Rochdale for Co-operative Retail Services.
A Lloyd's signal station was to occupy the top storey , but the offer was not taken up.
In a large fenced-off security zone, drums pile up to the level of a two storey house.
She had the first and second floor of a thin, dilapidated building that was a ruin above the third storey .
The eastern half was a warehouse, a storey higher than the mill and built later, around 1890.
The pathologist: Injuries consistent with a fall from an upper storey .
The third storey of the town gaol was pierced by a doorway over which projected a beam.