It is very straightforward - you just type the file name, then press 'Enter'.
The directions to the campsite are fairly straightforward .
The new networking system is fairly straightforward - you shouldn't have any problems.
There's a straightforward calculation for working out how much tax you have to pay.
There are two straightforward ways of achieving this result.
Wes is a straightforward person.
But these aside, there is the straightforward practical question of why these constraints were allowed to persist.
In practice getting the thing going is straightforward - though care should be taken to avoid excessive flaring.
The coats of many puppies may be less profuse than that of adults, and so grooming will be more straightforward .
The mathematical principles of determining where the rate of change is maximal are, for mathematicians, very straightforward .
The Minister suggested also that the technical arrangements for preserving pension rights will be straightforward .
There is no straightforward way to deal with the question of appropriate products.
Yet no photograph can give a clear and straightforward insight into the past.