Meaning of STRUCK in English



struck a pose (= stood or sat in a particular position )

Ann struck a pose and smiled for the camera.

struck by...bolt of lightning

There’s not much left of his house after it was struck by a bolt of lightning .

struck dumb

She was struck dumb with terror.


The ship struck a mine and sank.


be struck all of a heap

be struck dumb

Amy was struck dumb. Was it possible that her own son had deceived her?

When he arrived at the scene of the disaster, he was struck dumb with horror and amazement.

At times 25,000-plus onlookers were struck dumb by tension and anticipation, a hiccup resounding like a roar.

I was told it was Duart was struck dumb.

No wonder the computer wizards were struck dumb by the place; the narcissistic attraction must have been overwhelming.

Once again I was struck dumb by the mystery of the world.

One edged remark, and she would be struck dumb.

be struck off

Ancient law, it seems, was on their side; thousands were struck off, and more feared to be.

Do you want me to be struck off?

He was struck off in 1998, but still receives a National Health Service pension.

He was struck off the medical register for his pains.

In serious breaches of these codes, the professional can be struck off the professional register. 5.

Then her head was struck off and fixed on gallows and her body thrown into the pit.

be struck with horror/terror/awe etc

II. adjective


The strip of mirror suddenly flashed at a struck match.

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