Meaning of STYLISTIC in English





Other patterns do provide, however, an opportunity to recognize such integral stylistic affinity .

This, again, indicates the possibility of a more specific stylistic affinity between these pavements.

The main assumption, below, is that various inferences from style may suggest different levels of stylistic affinity .


At the third level of stylistic analysis authors and their devices are also brought explicitly into the discussion.

One application that has continued to make use of the statistical properties of language is stylistic analysis .

The power of stylistic analysis to reveal rhetorical strategy in non-fiction has applications beyond de Man and deconstruction.


These were to identify, but not describe or interpret, the stylistic devices present in a given text.

Ripken grabbed a piece of wood, stepped to the plate and started batting practice with his own stylistic device .


Looking at the might-have-beens of stylistic variation is a way of making the elusive quality of good writing open to inspection.

In a medical textbook, the choice between clavicle and collar-bone can justly be called a matter of stylistic variation .

Such stylistic variation can follow various patterns.


At the third level of stylistic analysis authors and their devices are also brought explicitly into the discussion.

It might be varied for emphasis, to express a different point of view, or for stylistic effect.

The Chancellor spent yesterday making substantial stylistic changes to the speech but the main elements were left untouched.

The second chapter of Language in Popular Fiction ends with Nash lightly criticising the stylistic conventions of magazine stories.

They have a link that all three share in Bristol's sturdy stylistic isolationism.

This brings us to the final, major stylistic influence to be found within Traditional Realism.

This implies two criteria of relevance for the selection of stylistic features: a literary criterion and a linguistic criterion.

Those are just minor stylistic irritations compared to Republican trickle-down economics.

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