Sulphur bacteria may be present below the anoxic zone, reducing sulphate ions and liberating hydrogen sulphide .
So the sewage goes septic, giving off hydrogen sulphide which corrodes the pipes and makes a nasty smell.
These included methane, ammonia, probably hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen sulphide and carbon monoxide.
Instead of splitting hydrogen sulphide , they developed the ability to split water by first trapping solar energy in green pigments.
The outlet can contain nitrite or hydrogen sulphide .
Gas compositions are normalised to exclude hydrogen sulphide because of poor analytical reproducibility for this gas.
Apparently they were thriving on hydrogen sulphide from the rotting beams of the ship.
Later in the spoilage process other components, such as the sulphurous notes from hydrogen sulphide , may add to the smell.
A cadmium sulphide paste is printed through a screen on to a glass substrate.
A source of silver much exploited in early times was lead sulphide , most notably galena, containing varying proportions of silver.
Hydrogen sulphide can destroy both plants and fish.
Hydrogen sulphide was probably a relatively rare commodity, even in ancient times.
People who harbour sulphate reducing bacteria in their large bowel have higher levels of sulphide in their faeces than methanogenic subjects.
Reinterpreted as an Ordovician volcanogenic massive and disseminated sulphide deposit.
So the sewage goes septic, giving off hydrogen sulphide which corrodes the pipes and makes a nasty smell.
These included methane, ammonia, probably hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen sulphide and carbon monoxide.