Meaning of SUNGLASSES in English





For that extra touch of mystique we've chosen a pair of dark sunglasses .

She wears dark sunglasses and covers her short-cropped gray hair with an olive-green baseball-style hat.

Sources close to Bel say the tiny tot looks just like mom ... right down to the dark sunglasses .



He stood up as she got near, taking off his sunglasses politely, and they shook hands.

He now took a pair of sunglasses from his shirt pocket and pointed them at me.

After a bit, Caroline sighed, took off her sunglasses , and closed her eyes, too.


He is shy - which is why he always wears wraparound sunglasses .

She wears dark sunglasses and covers her short-cropped gray hair with an olive-green baseball-style hat.

Johnny Marr began to wear sunglasses .

Most of the assembled wore sunglasses , even though they were indoors.

The dead woman was wearing a pair of sunglasses .

She wore sunglasses , and that thin red gingham dress he liked on her.

He wears sunglasses that have a fading in-built, pinky-orange tint which seem to soften the wrinkles around the eyes.

Each wears reflector sunglasses , and the gleam off the frames matches the gleam off the buckles on their holsters.


Except for one guy, with a beer and sunglasses , grinning and waving.

Fleets of sunglasses and smiles greet us.

He further obliterates his own identity behind a pair of mirrored sunglasses , whose glassy surface deflects even the most tenacious gaze.

He now took a pair of sunglasses from his shirt pocket and pointed them at me.

Their designer frustrations go well with their expensive sunglasses , but somehow sincerity suffers beneath the hard gloss.

They have been issued with sunglasses , badges, scarves and ties.

Yet the sneer, the attitude and a handy pair of sunglasses made it clear: The guy is cool.

Young Duval manages a somewhat sinister presence on the course in wraparound sunglasses .

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