But I was as susceptible as any other golfer and loved to look at new equipment.
For some reason, people who get allergies aren't as susceptible to parasites.
Alternatively, artificial footpath surfaces, which are not as susceptible to erosion, may be provided.
And nomatterhow fit you are, you're just as susceptible to the same long-term damage as the average couch potato.
Goats are highly susceptible to Haemonchus contortus particularly when they are precluded from browsing and derive all their food intake from pasture.
It is as if literature were perhaps necessarily less susceptible to the temptations of logocentrism than other forms of discourse.
They are less susceptible to breakdown because they have fewer moving parts.
Younger people are less susceptible to these prejudices and it is in the field of education that most can be achieved.
The resulting ungrazed vegetation would be less susceptible to erosion; floristic diversity would increase considerably.
Ciprofloxacin's spectrum of activity encompasses both Gram-negative and Gram-positive pathogens, although anaerobic organisms are generally less susceptible .
She ought to be a little less susceptible to this man who was causing her brother so many problems.
That was in the late 1970s, before the firm redesigned its hardware to make it less susceptible .
Myth is more important than reality in selling places; economic decision-makers are no more or less susceptible than anyone else.
Younger branches of S. cordifolia are much more susceptible to damage than older branches.
The Northeastern markets, though, are more susceptible to severe winter weather.
This makes them more susceptible to the effects of Waaagh energy.
In fact, public figures are often more susceptible because they are isolated.
Some potato varieties are more susceptible to enzymic browning than others.
Compared to stand-alone systems, network servers are much more susceptible to attacks where legitimate users are impersonated.
And births to very young and to older women are more susceptible than others to these maladies.
Those who place permanent or temporary personnel are more susceptible to layoffs than State job service employment interviewers.
In many cases, Infolink can offer exclusive data about those companies most susceptible to failure.
As drugs kill off the virus most susceptible to them, they leave behind the more resistant strains.
Children with this disease - and they are the most susceptible group - are often pale and stunted.
None the less, ignorance and poverty continue to claim victims, particularly malnourished slum children, who are the most susceptible .
Buildings of less than 20 storeys are the most susceptible to resonance.
Even with subcultures, it is characteristically the females who are the most susceptible to fashion and cosmetic selling.
Also, this form of poverty control and management is most susceptible to applications intended to pacify potentially disorderly groups.
Young horses are usually most susceptible and we have seen several cases associated with stud premises.
Fair skin has little natural protection and is particularly susceptible to damage.
Then the cells were exposed to cytomegalovirus, to which the muscle cells are particularly susceptible .
Studies have shown evidence that teenagers may be particularly susceptible to depression alter childbirth.
Any equipment on a bare shelf is particularly susceptible to vibration.
People with cardiac and respiratory weaknesses, children, asthmatics and those suffering with bronchitis are particularly susceptible .
Patients with impaired glomerular filtration rate are particularly susceptible to hypermagnesemia when given a magnesium load.
Moreover, the gold market's lengthy depression has made it particularly susceptible to a bull raid.
Syndicated columnists are particularly susceptible to being conned by their important sources.
Bottom-up parsers are very susceptible to problems arising from lexical ambiguity.
Women became very susceptible to advertisements aimed at changing fashions, and changing themselves.
Chloroplast membranes are very susceptible to attack by oxygen radicals which are generated as a by-product of photochemistry.
Regimes of the latter type, it appears, tend to be very susceptible to coups.
For example, cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes and tobacco are very susceptible to attacks from the Cucumber Mosaic Virus.
Retail prices are therefore very susceptible to the law of supply and demand.
They were very susceptible to weather conditions.
Not surprisingly, such pains are not very susceptible to the action of conventional analgesics, including opiates.
a susceptible young boy
But this was very much the effect that the Duchess of Argyll always had on susceptible gentlemen.
It is at this free-swimming stage that it is susceptible to treatment.
The greatest challenge is strengthening judicial systems, which in some countries have long been susceptible to bribery or political pressure.
The Northeastern markets, though, are more susceptible to severe winter weather.
Those who place permanent or temporary personnel are more susceptible to layoffs than State job service employment interviewers.
Though this stance protects the groin, it leaves the front foot susceptible to a front sweep.
Well-intentioned white allies of black political groups are even more susceptible to this mistake than most black leaders.
Younger branches of S. cordifolia are much more susceptible to damage than older branches.