Meaning of SYCAMORE in English





Mrs Grogan had seen a man half way up the sycamore tree in the Connons' front garden.

There was a sycamore tree to one side of the field.

The shrubbery gave way to a patch of sycamore trees .

Edward and Helen approached the sycamore tree and stood before the raw earth of Dorothy's grave.

Meanwhile in another part of the wood the trust team are felling sycamore trees .


Chunks of oak, ash, alder, beech, sycamore and hazel lay here and there, awaiting their miracles.

Most stayed, under the shadowy evergreens, among the tall sycamores and beeches on the bluff above the water.

No longer had she the ache of longing for that stretch of white road leading round to the sycamores.

One of the best places for grand sycamores is the north fork of Horrell Creek, in the Superstition Mountains.

She did not look back to the gate, but only forward, toward the peeling sycamores.

The sycamores retreated into the canyons -- the only places with enough moisture and the right climate to support them.

There were tall trees here and there on either side, oak and sycamore and ash and occasionally a sweet chestnut.

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