Meaning of SYMBIOTIC in English





They live in symbiotic relationships with trees and provide water and minerals in exchange for carbohydrates.

The provider can expect increased decentralization of all functions and increased symbiotic relationships with customers.

The effect of fungi harvesting on the forest environment arises from the symbiotic relationship between the fungi and the trees.

We have a symbiotic relationship with them.

These interconnections argued for a close symbiotic relationship between the two media.

Previously, farmers and pastoralists had enjoyed a somewhat symbiotic relationship , the graziers providing the farmers with animal dung fertilizer.

Thus was established a symbiotic relationship between the power companies and the chemical indus-try.


Like symbiotic grubs they lay twisted together in a ball, until Mangar-Kunjer-Kunja appeared in the guise of a lizard.

Like a bird on the back of a hippo, Hotchkis is happily going along for the symbiotic ride.

Sports marketing relationships are supposed to be symbiotic .

The effect of fungi harvesting on the forest environment arises from the symbiotic relationship between the fungi and the trees.

Their very differences are at the heart of the symbiotic bond that propels the story.

These interconnections argued for a close symbiotic relationship between the two media.

Within the Environmental Movement there is a useful, indeed a symbiotic , relationship between the absolutists and the pragmatists.

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