Meaning of SYNTHESIS in English





This may represent either increased synthesis of the type 1 chain precursor or activation of the Le and Se genes.

In theory the increased prostaglandin synthesis seen with Helicobacter pylori might explain such a reduction in minor mucosal injury.

Indeed, animal studies have shown that the presence of a tumour results in increased hepatic protein synthesis .

Such diurnal variations may possibly explain why two of the patients showed increased bile acid synthesis but normal SeHCAT values.

The increase in laminin concentrations in these patients could be due to increased synthesis by Ito cells.

Bile acid malabsorption and increased synthesis of bile acids were even detected in cholecystectomised patients without intestinal pathology.


In conclusion, we investigated the influence of Helicobacter pylori colonisation on gastric mucosal eicosanoid synthesis in patients taking NSAIDs.


The research will survey the history of thought in the field, examine existing theories, and construct a new synthesis .

Two recent novels will illustrate Barth's attitude to used-up forms and his move towards a new synthesis .


There was one fascinating lecture on chirality and organic synthesis including the design of Salbutamol, a drug used to treat asthma.

Solution or solid phase synthesis is welcomed, as are combinatorial approaches to organic synthesis.

Chromatography is particularly useful in organic synthesis in separating and recovering the components of a mixture.

This is used to separate the products of an organic synthesis from water.

In other respects the book has changed little and there is no attempt to deal with organic synthesis in its own right.

It shows the close association that can exist between organic chemical synthesis and clay surfaces.

It also needs long periods of ecological stability during which evolutionary epochs can bring about the necessary organic synthesis .

Was there a natural organic synthesis ?



Cholesterol was added to increase the intestinal concentration of bile acids , because dietary cholesterol stimulates bile acid synthesis in rats.

It could so happen that slight bile acid malabsorption may or may not affect bile acid synthesis .

Such diurnal variations may possibly explain why two of the patients showed increased bile acid synthesis but normal SeHCAT values.


The 3' untranslated trailer sequence is 937 nucleotides long and no poly A tail is present indicating internal priming during cDNA synthesis .


So acyclovir phosphate and triphosphate are not formed in healthy cells, whose DNA synthesis is therefore not affected.

Rat sciatic nerve Schwann cells were assayed for incorporation of DNA synthesis precursors, as described.


Salicylate exerts its anti. inflammatory action in part by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis . 135.

Linoleic acid is a precursor of prostaglandin synthesis from arachidonic acid.

These reports suggested that inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis was unlikely to be sole mechanism responsible for the gastric damage induced by indomethacin.

Other investigators claim that endogenous prostaglandins may not be essential since gastric cytoprotection persists after pretreatment with prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors.

Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis by NSAIDs is the major established mechanism by which NSAIDs render the gastric mucosa vulnerable to mucosal injury.

Another potentially useful system for laboratory study could well be the various steps in prostaglandin synthesis .

Our data suggest that it is unlikely that the mechanism of this apparent synergy is enhanced depression of prostaglandin synthesis .


The inhibitors might therefore be causing amnesia not because they prevent protein synthesis but because of their effect on increasing amino acid levels.

Addition of this phosphate group impairs the function of the essential protein , and viral protein synthesis fails to begin.

But exactly how viral protein synthesis is selectively inhibited, leaving cellular protein synthesis relatively unaffected, is still not clear.

Measuring the rate of protein synthesis then becomes a matter of measuring the rate at which amino acids are incorporated into proteins.

By contrast with their failure to affect habituation, the protein synthesis inhibitors did produce amnesia for associative learning.

The rate of liver protein synthesis in patients with inflammatory bowel disease was 43% higher than the control group of patients.

The contribution, therefore, of the pathological colon to this increased whole body protein synthesis and breakdown was unknown.



Subsequently, he achieved a modified synthesis of the vitamin, which he had renamed ascorbic acid.

If we could once achieve a synthesis Of the archaic and the entirely new ... We yearn for that reality in this.


Helicobacter pylori also tended to increase thromboxane B 2 synthesis although this was not statistically significant.

The increased synthesis of the metabolite is probably performed by the inflammatory cells that participate in this condition.


Steroids inhibit the synthesis of all the eicosanoids; they reduce late radiation induced fibrosis in experimental models.

Salicylate exerts its anti. inflammatory action in part by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis . 135.

Much evidence now exists which shows that hypochlorites inhibit collagen synthesis and cause irreversible damage to the micro-circulation.


The morphine used in its synthesis is generally obtained from opium.


An interesting development is the direct synthesis of acetic anhydride, used to make cellulose acetate for photographic film base.

In a human pharmaceutical factory the synthesis of a useful chemical needs a production line.

In such situations there is reduced endogenous dermal synthesis of vitamin D precursors.

Speech synthesis units are being incorporated into cars like the Maestro as part of the standard instrumentation.

The second dynamically equivalent mechanism is to introduce delays into the loop that correspond to synthesis and transport delays.

This book is the substance of his Lyell Lectures in 1983 but is the synthesis of thirty years' work.

This slow process led in the direction of Hinduism, a vast eclectic synthesis to which we shall return shortly.

What you hear will incorporate high-fidelity sound, speech synthesis , and speech recognition.

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