Standing all day on the wet clay floor under the dropping ceiling in the faint light cast by tallow candles was grim.
We groped around in the darkness, found a fat tallow candle and I lit it with my tinder.
The room smelt stale and musty with the pungent odour of the fat tallow candles placed on the desk.
Some thick, tallow candles , and jugs and bowls completed the furnishings.
An ancient tallow candle stood fixed in its grease on one of the cross-beams, with a tinder beside it.
An ancient tallow candle stood fixed in its grease on one of the cross-beams, with a tinder beside it.
Q: We had a tallow tree that needed to be removed.
Samara for grain, cattle, and tallow .
Some thick, tallow candles, and jugs and bowls completed the furnishings.
Standing all day on the wet clay floor under the dropping ceiling in the faint light cast by tallow candles was grim.
The room smelt stale and musty with the pungent odour of the fat tallow candles placed on the desk.
We groped around in the darkness, found a fat tallow candle and I lit it with my tinder.