Meaning of TARMAC in English





As they picked up speed along the main tarmac road it was already 3 a.m.

Take the green gate on the left and continue to a tarmac road .

Follow the tarmac road opposite for 70yds and at the right hand bend turn left into the fields.

Turn right to a tarmac road , then left to St Ives and Porthmeor Beach.

But as we left the tarmac road and headed up the hill I made a grave error.

Then turn right at the tarmac road and follow it to the main road and the car park.

You descend further through the trees and turn left along the forest road to meet a tarmac road.


A ground party was immediately organised to manhandle the aircraft on to sheets of corrugated iron positioned on the tarmac .

And an hour later in the House of Sport, the road race committee will hear the views of tarmac competitors.

I watched as my dear man made his way across the tarmac to the small Doha airport.

More tarmac and concrete has left fewer green fields for water to drain into underground reserves, as Sheila Brocklebank reports.

The men hopped to the tarmac and unraveled a rust-stained intestine of hose.

There was a flustered conference on the tarmac between two groups of officials.

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