tasteless jokes
a tasteless TV talk show
a plate of tasteless , overcooked vegetables
gaudy and tasteless designs
I think a lot of modern architecture is completely tasteless .
It was an ugly room with tasteless decorations and shabby furniture.
The salad was limp and tasteless .
Why is airplane food always so tasteless ?
Breakfast was a bowl of weak, milky coffee and a tasteless roll of bread.
Cheap food need not be tasteless or boring.
Comments ranged from tasteless , bland and bitter to very easy to drink.
Eating the cake, he had felt it like tasteless dough in his mouth, every mouthful an act of shared indecency.
I found none of the double entendres in Whiplash Whispers funny, and the illustrations were a bit tasteless .
Rohypnol is tasteless , odorless, and up to 20 times more powerful than Valium.
Sugar maple sap is nearly tasteless and about 98 percent water.
The muffin is tasteless , being a very poor substitute for bread, which is served on the Continent.