taxable income (= the part of your income on which you pay tax )
Money received in rent is included as part of your taxable income.
Many investors could end up with even more money if they kept stock funds in taxable accounts .
In a tax-deferred annuity, your money grows much faster than in a taxable account .
Its reported net earnings are therefore lower than the reported nil earnings of firm A even though its taxable earnings are the same.
The system of capital allowances is the system of depreciation permitted by the Inland Revenue in arriving at taxable earnings .
A maximum of two percent relief is allowed against his or her entire taxable income .
What is the average tax rate at the $ 16, 000 and $ 20, 000 levels of taxable income ?
The benefit counts as taxable income , but it is not means-tested and there are no National Insurance contribution conditions.
What marginal tax rate applies to taxable income which falls between $ 16, 000 and $ 20, 000?
The cardinal rule is: only register if your taxable income is less than your tax allowances.
The average tax rate is the total tax paid divided by total taxable income .
All income tax payers will pay the 20 percent rate on their first £2,000 of taxable income.
All residents would pay 2. 5 percent of taxable income -- but not less than $ 50 a household.
The cash call was accompanied by a statement that taxable profits for last year would not be less than £200,000.
The previous 12 months saw taxable profits of £13 million.
Fashion retailer Next was on everybody's buy list as it boosted taxable profits threefold.
As a result it slipped into a loss of £1.33m in 1988 against a £1.71m taxable profit in 1987.
For both partnerships and companies all properly incurred expenses of the trade can be offset against revenue when computing taxable profit .
Companies pay corporation tax calculated on their taxable profits after allowance for interest payments and depreciation.
So a £100,000 investment immediately reduces taxable profit by £100,000.
A slump in taxable profits left food distributor Booker down 19p at 420p.
What are taxable supplies and what are exempt?
And most suburban districts do not have the same high taxable industrial base that the city enjoys.
Many social security benefits are also taxable .
So a £100,000 investment immediately reduces taxable profit by £100,000.
The average tax rate is the total tax paid divided by total taxable income.
The benefit counts as taxable income, but it is not means-tested and there are no National Insurance contribution conditions.
This exception to the general rule that perks are taxable is the most important exception.
We add $ 200 a month to taxable mutual fund accounts.
What is the average tax rate at the $ 16, 000 and $ 20, 000 levels of taxable income?