Meaning of TERMINOLOGY in English





When you read anything that any anthropologist has written on the topic of kinship terminology be on your guard.

The project will use the results of such analysis to re-examine conventional theories of kinship terminologies .

First, and as before, there was evidence of this stage from kinship terminologies .

The comparative study of kinship terminologies is one of the longest established traditions in academic anthropology.



I mean this was the scene we were all at, to use the then terminology .

In this way people using such a terminology may distinguish the role of father from that of father's brother.

The artificial intelligence community sometimes uses terminology a bit loosely.

We also reject the belief that knowing how to use terminology in which to speak of language is undesirable.

The manager may not use this terminology , but the data analyst will be able to interpret the comments made.

It is in that spirit that we shall use conventional psychiatric terminology here.

Chomsky is therefore highly critical of the way in which Skinner uses operant terminology to account for language.

Ethnicity, to use modern terminology , occupied more of the tsar's attention than diplomacy.


In legal terminology , a widow is the 'relict' of her late husband.

It is important that lawyers use the correct terminology when they prepare contracts.

It was an interesting programme, which gave the facts without using too much scientific terminology .

Kelly wants to be a nurse, and is taking a medical terminology class at night.

medical terminology

One of the hardest things when studying linguistics is learning all the right terminology .


Even more bizarre was the terminology the firm used to describe its internal problems.

For a summary of the terminology used above in relation to a specific example, see Table 5.1.

In the terminology of the moment, put me down as a hanging chad.

It seems that the framers of the Act wanted to update the terminology , but not to change the concept.

New terminologies were not difficult to master, and gradually the possibility of perfection began edging its way into my life.

Such terminology will undoubtedly continue to change as social constructions of disability evolve.

Understand the acronyms and unique terminology .

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