Meaning of TESTOSTERONE in English





Men in their 60s and 70s often have testosterone levels in the low end of the normal range for young men.

One test showed that when white men from the South were insulted, their testosterone levels rose an average of 12 percent.

The researchers found that when male monkeys compete, their testosterone levels rise.


First of all, the study simply measured total testosterone in the blood of female volunteers.

One of the major functions of the testes is to produce testosterone , the most potent androgen.

Perhaps the secret's in the wrist action - testosterone isn't the only thing that males have to discharge.

The problem for the cockerel is that the higher his level of testosterone , the greater his parasite infestation.

They have injected all kinds of animals at all stages of development with synthetic testosterone to see how it affected their behaviour.

Women usually have a small amount of the male hormone testosterone circulating in their bodies.

Yet they still can not define any specific influence of testosterone on the behaviour of the human male.

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