Secondly, I shall discuss textual analysis of the bible which has been carried out by feminists in recent years.
But there was something more going on here, suggested by Bruck and confirmed by my own textual analysis .
It is not capable of being answered by linguistic or textual analysis of the statute alone however assiduously that is performed.
Both relate to the way in which textual material is packaged by the writer along patterns familiar to the reader.
Just occasionally, textual fossils come into their own again, as I experienced when writing this book.
No mere textual reading or logical talisman can solve the dilemma.
Nor is there textual evidence which carries any conviction.
The sort of scholarship which predominated was textual scholarship, as exemplified by Percy Simpson's monumental edition of Ben Jonson.
The two texts simply address different readerships and in so doing reflect different textual preferences.
This ambiguity of voices co-operates with the rhetoric of textual autonomy whereby texts are seen to undermine themselves without intervention.
What Brooke-Rose does with discursive and textual matter in much of her previous fiction she does here with personae.