Meaning of THERMONUCLEAR in English





Work on controlled thermonuclear fusion proceeded secretly in both nations and in Britain.

Eventually the internal pressure and temperature rise sufficiently for thermonuclear fusion to begin.

Cockroft dearly believed that the source of the neutrons was thermonuclear fusion .

That turned out to be a mistake, Zeta's neutrons were not from thermonuclear fusion .


The objective was to use a relatively small fission device to trigger-off a thermonuclear reaction of arbitrarily large yield.

Kurchatov visited Harwell and suggested that he might give a lecture on Soviet work into thermonuclear reactions in gas discharges.

In all experiments on toroidal discharges neutrons have been observed in about the numbers to be expected if thermonuclear reactions were proceeding.


Chopra still did not know what was being excavated, or why they had stolen the most powerful thermonuclear device ever created.

Eventually the internal pressure and temperature rise sufficiently for thermonuclear fusion to begin.

The 20-year cold war between them turned thermonuclear .

The objective was to use a relatively small fission device to trigger-off a thermonuclear reaction of arbitrarily large yield.

The spark was supposed to ignite the fusion reaction or miniature thermonuclear explosion.

This finding was incompatible with a simple thermonuclear origin.

We're talking about the combined and simultaneous effect of a massive thermonuclear detonation, a volcanic eruption and an earthquake.

Work on controlled thermonuclear fusion proceeded secretly in both nations and in Britain.

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