Meaning of TIMBERED in English





He kept to the centre of the street away from the rubbish which littered the entrances and walks of the miserable timbered houses .

Most of the timbered houses had windows patched with rags, but the one Maggie entered was slightly cleaner.

The 300-year-old Auberge is a solid, timbered house surrounded by woods and fields.


He kept to the centre of the street away from the rubbish which littered the entrances and walks of the miserable timbered houses.

Lined along the lane were the village hall, the pavilion and a number of small timbered cottages.

Most of the timbered houses had windows patched with rags, but the one Maggie entered was slightly cleaner.

The timbered town house of the marquesses of Huntly, built in 1517, is an interesting museum of local history.

The timbered Untertor, crowned by its clock within a triangular roof, stands at the end of a narrow street.

The building had one of those brightly timbered exteriors which assert more age than they probably possess.

There was to be no place here for the slow debates of timbered parliamentary chambers.

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