Meaning of TORCHLIGHT in English



Beside Benedicta stood a tall man, his features quite clear in the torchlight .

He wasn't interested in an examination by torchlight of the exact spot where Harry Lawrence and the contact had fallen.

I imagined solemn covens chanting, straggling torchlight processions winding up to mountain tops, stone circles, sacred trees and springs.

In the torchlight it was a small innocuous-looking thing, staring at me in a trusting kind of way.

One evening we joined the torchlight procession.

The heavy-lidded eyes were still half-open, the lips slightly parted; in the flickering torchlight the figure seemed to be asleep.

They lined the cliffside and in the torchlight saw long stretches of mud and naked boulders between scattered pools of water.

Weekly highlights at the Girasole include a toboggan race, a slalom race, a kids' disco and a torchlight descent.

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