They may also have nightmares, tummy aches or headaches.
They tell me he's got toothache and tummy ache from eating too many sweets.
Relax the tummy muscles , then repeat.
Relax your tummy muscles by cuddling the knees and repeat the exercise.
Relax your tummy muscles by holding your knees close to your chest and rock from side to side.
Relax the tummy muscles by cuddling the knees and repeat the exercise once more.
Pull in the tummy muscles and hold that position.
Pull the tummy muscles in hard, while lightly holding on just below your knees.
Relax the tummy muscles , then repeat, this time stretching up for 15 counts.
Stephanie advises letting her lie on your tummy when you're pregnant and listen to the life within.
You could have him lie on his tummy and pretend to be a boat, rocking back and forth.
As they straighten, curve the spine and pull in the tummy , as if you have just received a blow.
Did you remember to pull your tummy in and tuck your bottom under at all times yesterday?
Ski down, pulling your tummy in and tucking your bottom under.
Keep as busy as possible today and remember to hold yourself up, tucking your bottom under and pulling your tummy in.
Relax and do not attempt to pull your tummy in hard.
As you stand, pull in the tummy and pull up, out of the hips.
Ski down, tucking your bottom under and pulling your tummy in.
Exercise with grace and poise and always remember to pull your tummy in and tuck your bottom under.
With tummy pulled in, raise your head and shoulders, bringing your chin towards your chest.
Pull the tummy in and raise the elbows, head and shoulders towards your knees.
Lying on your tummy , raise your head and shoulders.
Mommy, my tummy hurts.
A baby placed on her tummy was discovered dead two hours later, facedown in a pool of milk.
As they straighten, curve the spine and pull in the tummy , as if you have just received a blow.
In the last act of King Lear, Regan complains of a spot of tummy trouble.
My 11-year-old son is always complaining his tummy hurts.
Once more her tummy contracted in memory.
Relax the tummy muscles, then repeat.
She was doodling in the sand and I was on my tummy watching her.
Six out of 10 travellers get a tummy bug abroad.