Meaning of TURBAN in English





A requirement imposed by regulations shall not apply to any follower of the Sikh religion while he is wearing a turban .

He was dressed in a scrupulously clean but threadbare dhoti and he wore a pale blue turban which exactly matched his eyes.

Some schools refuse to allow Sikh boys to wear turbans , or girls to cover their legs.

She wore a sunbleached purple turban and presented fingernails long enough to make the spine shiver in sympathetic sensitivity.

He complained of the cold and started to wear a thick cotton turban instead of his usual.


A few shepherds whom you could mistake for stones had they not been topped by turbans sat motionless under the sun.

A middle-aged woman, wearing what looked like a turban , was looking out at the night.

Battery-powered lights danced around his gold brocade turban and his feet were pressed into gold-trimmed shoes with backward curling points.

The Arab Abul Ismail, erect and gaunt and impassive in turban and robes.

The Fatimids gave their princely fabrics the color of light; their robes and turbans were white and gold.

The prince's head was cleaned, wrapped in a turban and presented to Aurangzeb on a golden dish.

There was a young Sikh in a red turban , wearing a blue quilted jacket despite the heat.

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