Burke's arrogance seems to typify this government's approach.
Confidence in the future used to typify the Republican party.
Mrs Maugham's attitude towards the television typified her whole moral outlook.
Phyllis typifies suburban housewives.
This letter typifies his loyalty and consideration.
A voluntary sense of duty or obligation typifies developed moral feelings.
Already we have that dichotomy between words and deeds that typifies hypocrisy, and which runs throughout the play.
At that time, the building could have been said to typify the dereliction of the whole London docks area.
Expert systems are typified by logical functions such as rules, concepts, and calculations.
None of the male characters is initially typified by reference to physical characteristics in this way.
The process of reproduction is still conspicuously missing from most discussions of economic affairs, as the following passage typifies.
This is not only normal, it is healthy and should typify any marriage or engagement regardless of age.