Meaning of UNDERSTUDY in English



Couldn't go on with the performance even with the understudies because of the police coming in.

Désirée was Countess Maud, and here he was in such a short time, having to use the understudy again.

Drew became less punctual, he muffed his lines, and was often replaced by an understudy .

For her last week, Cuka had been appearing with understudy Richard Franklin because Crawford had laryngitis.

In a company without understudies, this presented a problem, but the Ailey dancers were used to last-minute adjustments.

In her place was her understudy , Miss Lisa Fennell, a young dancer usually seen in the chorus.

Since the understudy was off with flu, there could be no show.

The role, after all, was written for the actress, considered so indispensable that she had no understudy .

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