Meaning of UNENVIABLE in English



an unenviable task (= unpleasant or difficult )

He has the unenviable task of telling hungry people that there is no food.




Mr Sylvester went with her, glad to escape the inevitable recriminations, to leave Nutty to her unenviable job as captain.

The unenviable job of heading such a body falls to the Archbishop of Canterbury.

With Walsh under suspension, the unenviable job of marking Bull has been handed to Simon Grayson.

It's a cliché to say that the judge had a difficult task but indeed he did have an unenviable job .


Sculptors of monuments which are commissioned to speak for others, then, are placed in an unenviable position .


The Prague impresario Guardasoni was given the unenviable task of getting one together.

And we have a new secretary, Kirsty Rawlings, who has the unenviable task of organising me!

The doctor and Chief Superintendent Coffin stood aside as the photographer moved in to start his unenviable task of recording the remains.

Richard of Gloucester has a difficult task - an unenviable task, some might say.

This man has the unenviable task of telling hungry women and children queueing for food that they're waiting in vain.

The residential staff are presented with an unenviable task .

They already have the unenviable task of supervising some of the most dangerous prisoners in the country.

Her successor faces an unenviable task .


Lee had the unenviable task of reorganizing the department.

The President is in an unenviable position.


A third of the way up a vicious-looking ice-climb were two men, slowly hacking an unenviable route with axes and crampons.

And we have a new secretary, Kirsty Rawlings, who has the unenviable task of organising me!

Brown and Warne had an unenviable dilemma on their hands, even if they brought it on themselves.

But Washington emerged from most of those exchanges with an unenviable plight.

Instead, he chose to stick with the old ways and practise an unenviable form of reverse racism.

Policing this activity to ensure submission of the reports is an unenviable and thankless task.

The plight of the injured was an unenviable one; several of them could not be moved.

The Prague impresario Guardasoni was given the unenviable task of getting one together.

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