Meaning of UNIVERSE in English





Presumably, in the very early universe all the dimensions would have been very curved.

These are thought to have developed from small differences in the density of the early universe from one region to another.

At early times the universe would probably be in a disordered state.

The early universe could not have been completely homogeneous and uniform because that would violate the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics.


Later paradigms saw the entire universe as being made up of the same kinds of material substances.

The human was now seen as a biomechanical machine, as was the entire universe .

The entire universe seemed to be the source.

The entire universe will have heard of her by then.

Nowadays, physicists routinely extract entire universes out of nothing-on paper, anyway.

The entire universe was utterly simple.

Before us the entire universe is spread out like a bolt of black silk unfurled.

It is now increasingly apparent that the entire universe from vast galaxies to microscopic cells unfolds through systems of spontaneous self-organization.


A parallel universe , mutually incompatible, like matter and anti-matter.

This wired Brad Pitt will grab you, coming on as he does like an oddly arresting visitor from some parallel universe .

In the later book, Wells changes his mind and describes an advanced anarchistic society existing in a parallel universe .

She seemed to live in a parallel universe .

Her real life glimmered and settled in the parallel universe , where no one here could reach her.


Newton had established a physical universe capable of being understood by reason.

First, Copernicus eliminated the discontinuity between the terrestrial world and the rest of the physical universe .

Yet today information sent back from extraterrestrial space is unveiling an awesome picture of our physical universe .

And the physical universe had no opinion.

It is a receiver and transmitter of all energy patterns existing in our physical universe .

He supposes that fluctuations may arise in nothing, and sooner or later produce a physical universe .

Each creature perceives just exactly the right amount of the energetic interactions which comprise the physical universe and its creatures.

But that being is not the physical universe , which seems both dependent and contingent.


Consider the three apparently possible universes just mentioned.

It is not the case, therefore, that every possible universe can be actualised.


Not content with stars and galaxies, they try to understand the whole universe , its provenance and fate.

In the whole universe there was nothing else; all was black, empty, silent, endless.

Contemporary cosmology even suggests that the whole universe might have appeared out of the quantum vacuum: the ultimate free lunch.

Suddenly I heard a piercing whistle that seemed to resound through the whole universe .

Zarathustra interpreted the struggle between good and evil forces in ethical terms, and he believed that it pervaded the whole universe .

One can say that the whole material universe has a certain colour, but not that it has a certain position.

The microcosm becomes the macrocosm: the key to the whole universe may well be hidden in one hydrogen atom.

Either we assume that the whole universe is at the present moment in a very improbable state.



Creator-man will simply create his own universe around him, precisely as he wishes it to be.

As the century turned, both still and moving photography were beginning to create an alternative universe .

They create a musical universe dominated by multiple percussion and underpinned by Mazinho Lima s tirelessly inventive bass guitar.

One ought to be able to examine the transactions which create and generate particular universes of meaning.

The people must seize power and create their own universe .

Eventually, therefore, it may be possible to specify the underlying conceptual grammars which create theistic and religious universes of meaning.


Moreover, even the types of particles that exist in the universe would depend on the temperature.

The set of all possibilities clearly includes, as a subset, all possible values that could ever exist in any universe .

The host of different beings attributed with consciousness that exist within the Chewong universe have structurally similar qualities to humans.

In the later book, Wells changes his mind and describes an advanced anarchistic society existing in a parallel universe .

This doesn't mean that the conclusion that life exists all around the universe is necessarily wrong.


This is the direction of time in which the universe is expanding rather than contracting.

The same can be said of the postmodern discovery that the universe is expanding .

That motivation disappeared when it was discovered that the universe is expanding .

But as the universe expanded , the temperature of the radiation decreased.

And why is the direction of time in which disorder increases the same as that in which the universe expands ?

The new simulations, it is claimed, show that instead the universe will go on expanding for ever.

Will the universe eventually stop expanding and start contracting, or will it expand for ever?

In between the universe expands , particles pop into existence, galaxies coalesce and stars burst into life.


One ought to be able to examine the transactions which create and generate particular universes of meaning .

Eventually, therefore, it may be possible to specify the underlying conceptual grammars which create theistic and religious universes of meaning .


The symbolic Atoms' sure orbits and definite interstices represent the understanding of the universe made known.

Not content with stars and galaxies, they try to understand the whole universe , its provenance and fate.

It is quite remarkable that algorithmic compressions are possible, and they illuminate our understanding of the universe enormously.

The progress of the human race in understanding the universe has established a small corner of order in an increasingly disordered universe.

We can never understand why the universe began, since there is no reason why it began.

One has to use a quantum theory of gravity to understand how the universe began.

If you understand how the universe operates, you control it in a way.


the secrets of life/nature/the universe etc

Nobody expects you to reveal the secrets of the universe, only produce a well-written story.

We cease trying vainly to understand the secrets of the Universe as we have hitherto tried to do.


Archer accepted his wealth as part of the structure of his universe .


I gave the same seminar about the problems of the inflationary universe , just as in Moscow.

Illness would be about disturbances of balance - within individuals, families, and societies in relation to the universe .

Not only does our understanding of the universe change as the centuries go by: it improves.

The choice of this class of spaces determines what state the universe is in.

The Dark Times were again descending over the universe .

The particles go off into baby universes that branch off from our universe.

Thus, they believed there must be ten bodies moving about the finite universe .

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