Meaning of UNOBSTRUCTED in English





The video in each case showed an unobstructed view through the windscreen of a car during the drive through the junction.

The types of antennas used in these systems require a wide, unobstructed view of the horizon.

The assassin had planned to shoot Park in the lobby of the theater, but failed to get an unobstructed view .

The trench sides provide information about the stratigraphy, and can eventually be removed to give an unobstructed view of the plan.

Gao Yang had an unobstructed view of the man extricating his foot from the pot.

McPherson's lay-off found McCall with an unobstructed view of goal but the final attempt was too delicate and Verlinden saved easily.


But our eyes, as though reversed, encircle it on every side, like traps set round its unobstructed path to freedom.

Make sure that the ventilation pipe is unobstructed , and that water can not run down the pipe into the house.

Martial rule can never exist where the courts are open, and in the proper and unobstructed exercise of their jurisdiction.

The assassin had planned to shoot Park in the lobby of the theater, but failed to get an unobstructed view.

The types of antennas used in these systems require a wide, unobstructed view of the horizon.

The video in each case showed an unobstructed view through the windscreen of a car during the drive through the junction.

There came Stalin, for whom the really great prize of power was unobstructed enjoyment of murder.

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