Meaning of UNRECORDED in English



Alas, the author of this historic remark is unrecorded .

Clearly, many crimes go unrecorded , either because they are undiscovered, or because they are not reported to the police.

Freedom from the restraining hand of a squire or a parson no doubt encouraged enterprise but it meant that much activity went unrecorded .

Much of the research thus goes unrecorded in the standard bibliographies and data-bases.

None the less, unofficial exports between neighbouring countries are likely to continue to increase, but to go largely unrecorded .

On this battleground no act of bravery, no deed of chivalry, would go unrecorded .

Selvon and Harris may have written in the freedom of knowing that they came from largely unrecorded backgrounds.

The black economy refers to those unrecorded economic transactions conducted on a cash basis with a view to illegal evasion of tax.

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