He unrolled the map and spread it on the table.
We unrolled our sleeping bags and went to sleep.
While we were admiring the rugs, the shopkeeper started to unroll a splendid carpet.
As the months unrolled, the protocols changed, becoming briefer and more efficient.
He unrolled a bit of green carpet and laid out a ring made of red and white rounds of painted wood.
I unrolled the mattress on the dusty tile floor, flopped down on it and lay there close to tears.
It made me think of a Bedouin taking out his prayer carpet and unrolling it in the vastness of the desert.
Paige turned her back on him, unrolling the sleeping-bag and removing her boots.
The mats are unrolled and laid between the joists, while the granular insulation is just poured on to the boards.
They were at the top of the hill and Foinmen's Plain had unrolled itself before them.
We travel the world with our gym bags and prayer rugs, unrolling them in the transit lounges.