Meaning of UNSKILLED in English



an unskilled worker

Some ex-miners now had jobs as unskilled workers in factories.

skilled/unskilled labour

Employers want to keep skilled labour because of the cost of training.

skilled/unskilled occupations (= needing training and experience/not needing training and experience )

Plumbing and carpentry are highly skilled occupations.

Workers in unskilled occupations are finding fewer job opportunities.




It seemed indeed that the numbers of low-paid unskilled jobs were growing with the advance of mechanization.

The majority are adult women workers in below-average-income families laboring in unskilled jobs , often in the retail sector.

For every unskilled job we advertise, we get a hundred applicants - more than a hundred.


In this regard, it seems to be essential to distinguish between the skilled and unskilled labor markets.

The result: a flooded unskilled labor market.

First, substitution possibilities are not symmetrical between the skilled and the unskilled labor .

Those empty countries needed both people and unskilled labor .

The union quest to preserve the rights and prerogatives of unskilled labor are doomed to failure.

The demand for unskilled labor is going down; the pool of unskilled labor is growing...

Well-paying jobs for unskilled labor are disappearing at an alarming rate.


That is, where unskilled labour prevailed there was chronic want and deprivation.

If they are wanted at all they are probably wanted in large numbers and to be made in a hurry by unskilled labour .

Here over half the total workforce was unskilled , and here resided nearly half the borough's pool of unskilled labour .

The shift from the main traditional occupation, agriculture, to unskilled labour , was considerable.

It was an industrial structure weighted heavily toward the use of semiskilled and unskilled labour .


The highly educated women who have started working apace are hardly competing with unskilled men .

It is far higher-and rising-among unskilled men than among professional men.

At the bottom end, less-skilled women have been losing out, but by much less than unskilled men .


It is no condemnation of those people, but that is semi-skilled or unskilled work .

Thanks to under-mechanisation, one-third of youths with specialised secondary school qualifications end up doing unskilled work .

They may require elements of microbiology and chemical science as well as organisational ability but they are still generally regarded as unskilled work .


Professional men, for example, see half as many friends again as unskilled workers .

She traveled to Mississippi to help unskilled workers get jobs at shipyards in Pascagoula, the hometown of Lott.

Semi-skilled and unskilled workers were more willing to relocate than management and professional staff.

At about the same time, in 1884, the trade union movement began to reach poorer, unskilled workers .

This was inpart due to the emergence of New Unionism which sought to organize unskilled workers .

For low-skilled or unskilled workers , Reich notes, technology is taking away jobs.

Are they both unskilled workers or is she in a higher class than her husband?

Furthermore social surveys had shown that early marriage, by unskilled workers could lead to poverty and destitution.


unskilled labor


Among the most obvious categories here are the unskilled , the young, black people and those made redundant from manufacturing.

Here in these slum streets existed an army of the unskilled , all trying to wrest a living anyway they could.

Members of this, the larger group of temporary workers, were most likely to be unskilled or semi-skilled.

She traveled to Mississippi to help unskilled workers get jobs at shipyards in Pascagoula, the hometown of Lott.

The demand for unskilled labor is going down; the pool of unskilled labor is growing...

The highly educated women who have started working apace are hardly competing with unskilled men.

The result: a flooded unskilled labor market.

This was inpart due to the emergence of New Unionism which sought to organize unskilled workers.

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