Any patient who has vascular disease should be on long-term aspirin.
This occurs in extensive bilateral frontal lobe dysfunction and is usually due to vascular disease , hydrocephalus, or massive neoplasia.
These early studies were performed in diabetics with and without clinical evidence of vascular disease .
Most of the patients studied were free of clinically detectable vascular disease .
This would enable prospective studies to be performed to determine the importance of platelet function in the development of vascular disease .
To introduce the postoperative medical and nursing care of patients with peripheral vascular disease . 6.
Although platelet thromboxane generation was elevated in diabetics without clinical evidence of vascular disease , the difference did not reach statistical significance.
Clinical evidence of vascular disease was found in 38.3 percent of patients and 30 percent were hyperlipidaemic.
Moreover, ICAM-1 participates in the transient adhesion of leucocytes to the vascular endothelium and mediates, in part, granulocyte extravasation.
Results Deposits of formazan were found in the colonic epithelium, vascular endothelium , and infiltrating mononuclear cells.
In addition, both ICAMs are expressed at low levels on resting vascular endothelium .
Hybridisation signals were also detected in the vascular endothelium of pulmonary arteries, especially those with severe arteriopathy.
The dye was reduced by epithelial cells, vascular endothelium , and infiltrating mononuclear cells of the mucosa.
Its reduction by vascular endothelium and infiltrating mononuclear cells was greater in inflamed mucosa.
The vascular endothelium seems to produce superoxide in the inflamed mucosa, which would exacerbate tissue injury in ulcerative colitis.
The vascular endothelium may be essential for the occurence of inflammatory or immunological phenomena.
But about 8 percent are vascular headaches , caused by the excessive dilation of blood vessels in the brain.
Migraines are a particularly intense kind of vascular headache .
Occupational History Stressful work situations are often a factor in muscle-contraction or vascular headaches .
Birth control pills may cause or aggravate vascular headaches as well as predispose the patient to cerebral venous or arterial occlusions.
The Eriophorum is frequent or abundant in bog pools dominated by Sphagnum species in which other vascular plant species only occur occasionally.
Growth and maturation of vascular plants are often controlled by light, usually in conjunction with temperature.
This contained a list of 690 species, segregates in critical genera and hybrids of vascular plants .
vascular tissue
An auto-immune disease ensued, with destruction of nervous and vascular tissue.
In the fundus and corpus of the stomach an increase in superficial vascular pattern was visible.
Intermittent Headache Headaches separated by period of days or weeks usually fall into the vascular or muscle-contraction categories.
Moreover, ICAM-1 participates in the transient adhesion of leucocytes to the vascular endothelium and mediates, in part, granulocyte extravasation.
Most of the patients studied were free of clinically detectable vascular disease.
The device uses radiation to destroy tumors and vascular malformations with pinpoint accuracy.
This would enable prospective studies to be performed to determine the importance of platelet function in the development of vascular disease.
To introduce the postoperative medical and nursing care of patients with peripheral vascular disease. 6.