Meaning of VERMILION in English



Bill yellow tipped red, legs short, black: vermilion orbital ring round eye.

Her vermilion Mohican projected from her shaved dome.

It was a fine warm evening, vermilion streaks of sunset even reaching this eastern skyline.

School monitors are distinguished in many ways, the most obvious being the vermilion gown; they may also grow a moustache.

She could tell from the small lumps of matter floating on its vermilion surface.

The man's cheeks were tattooed with little vermilion chalices brimming with gore.

There were squares, oblongs, and triangles of crimson, vermilion , chartreuse, ocher, magenta, and canary.

Those rugged plasteel islands of black and purple flew Lord Sagramoso's vermilion volcano banner, and bore dire bulky weapons.

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