I. noun
If they are still eating, try obtaining a medicated flake from your local vet .
Several organisations will do this, or perhaps your local vet will help.
He had the skull in a plastic bag ready to consult Dave Smith, the local vet , when his shift ended.
With the patience and advice from my local vet we set up a recovery programme.
The local vet arrived at the farm to examine the carcases.
You must then know how to cope with the trouble and judge whether to act on your own or call the vet .
She radioed down to her senior keeper who called the vet .
I recently took Millie to her vet .
Rescued by human teens and taken to the vet , Keelk recovers and begs for help to rescue her family.
We took Ben to the vet and he was given a course of antibiotics, which seemed to do the trick.
The injured animal was later taken to a vet for treatment.
We dread having to take her to the vets for her nails to be cut.
If he's sick, I treat him, and take him to the vet if he's real bad.
Could you call the vet and ask him to come to the farm? I'd like him to have a look at one of the horses.
Gina has wanted to be a veterinarian since she was a little girl.
Jane's taking her kitten to the vet on Friday.
And still the vet did not come.
But vets say the public is unaware of just how dangerous the virus can be.
But no, this chap isn't a vet .
He announced the results of a survey of 400 vets working in 600 slaughterhouses which found the average hourly rate was £25.70.
Holly Thomas has wanted to be a vet since she was four years old.
I will send for a vet tomorrow.
Mind you, I expect they're already fixed up with a vet .
Some techniques used in marketing to physicians work especially well on vets.
II. verb
Tanner had already been vetted and confirmed for his job at the CIA.
He vets every script and is checking-out scripts for the new series at the moment.
High schools are paid for by the prefecture, but their curriculum is vetted by the capital.
Hughes called on ministers to vet the new gospel play for him.
I also spent about three months vetting requests for enquiries.
It called on ministers to set up a firearms control board which would vet all applicants before issuing a guns licence.
No, but there's a careful vetting procedure-psychometric tests and interviews, and informal references are checked.
The Home Office says all staff will be strictly vetted.
This reveals that more than 70 investment schemes vet companies on ethical and/or environmental grounds.