A VGA card is also built into the motherboard.
The video sub-system was the venerable Trident 8900C Super VGA card .
Some VGA cards are quicker than others, especially those with fixed function graphics accelerator chips.
This is claimed to be the fastest VGA card in the world.
Bringing up the rear is the Greenfield, with its slowcoach Trident-based VGA card .
Presented in VGA colour graphics and using a mouse, the game looks good and is easy to play.
The Relisys 14-inch VGA colour display delivered a bright, contrasty image.
The program has intelligent features to re-produce natural colours found in video shots using the VGA colour palette.
The VGA graphics on the opening screens and of the cars themselves are amazing.
Good use of animated VGA graphics and pop-up windows with property information make this a must for fans of the board game.
The VGA graphics used are colourful and in high resolution as you would expect.
The animation, Sound Blaster support and VGA graphics are brilliant.
The VGA graphics are colourful and flicker free and the game itself is quite addictive.
F117A is a fully featured flight simulator with excellent VGA graphics and joystick or keyboard control.
The stunning VGA graphics and optional Sound Blaster support will hold the young user's attention.
Superb VGA graphics make sure that this flight sim is unmissable.
A port is provided on the back of the machine to drive an external VGA monitor .
The images can be viewed by a monitoring station with a standard personal computer and a VGA monitor.
A port is provided on the back of the machine to drive an external VGA monitor.
At over £3,200, with a mono VGA display, the Dan is impressive but pricey.
For example, one of the standard monitor resolutions now widely used in computing is called VGA .
Support is provided for super VGA users and facilities for image smoothing and cropping are also provided.
Supports true 256 colour for those with VGA but will play on all other graphics cards.
The VGA graphics on the opening screens and of the cars themselves are amazing.
The video is displayed in place of one or more of the colours available on a conventional VGA screen.
The video sub-system was the venerable Trident 8900C Super VGA card.