Meaning of VIEWPOINT in English





Try looking at things from a different viewpoint .

My father felt strongly about the equal validity of different viewpoints and world systems.

Board games can enable pupils to interact and consider different viewpoints and motives at times in the past.

It provides a good training for any biologist because it looks at living organisms from many different viewpoints .

I have to explore how things look and feel from different viewpoints .

Their individual programming of experience will lead them to a different viewpoint of the world and circumstances.

Did this energy have some objective reality or was it merely a way of looking at known processes from a different viewpoint ?

You have got to accustom yourself to the book that is written from several different viewpoints .


Between them, they monopolised the media to the virtual exclusion of any other viewpoint .

One is by reducing awareness from other viewpoints to a means to the ends from one's own.

The disinterested passions compel me to see from other viewpoints , but also blind me to the equality of viewpoints.

We also need to see other viewpoints in order to predict the effect of some action.

Fogging is to do with acknowledging the other person's viewpoint and then continuing with your purpose.

How can other viewpoints be expressed?

Indeed, it is the disinterested character of the reactions which is the criterion for being aware from other people's viewpoints .


From our particular viewpoint , the Princess died before the Prince.


A personal viewpoint Landscape painting provokes intensely important issues for me.

It also provides a more personal viewpoint .

Research is an attempt to produce objective knowledge, independent of personal viewpoint .


This depends upon many factors, amongst them political and moral viewpoints .

They come at them from a more political viewpoint .



But neither passage is really written from a working-class viewpoint , for they impose middle-class values on working-class taste.

You have got to accustom yourself to the book that is written from several different viewpoints .

Though the whole story is written from Maria's viewpoint , no mention is ever made of her jealousy.

Precedent 1 is a set of standard conditions for the sale of goods written from the viewpoint of the seller.


The book looks at the Royal family from a sociological and historical viewpoint .

The TV series examines childhood from the viewpoints of twelve different families.

We need to seriously consider all the different viewpoints on the issue.


An ideological viewpoint also includes values.

From a medical viewpoint , the outline of viral infection given so far presents much too simple a picture.

I do appreciate, however, that there can be many other viewpoints that are reasonable to hold on this question.

In fairness to its selectors one must stress the virtual absence of any important body of writing expressing an alternative Left viewpoint .

In this sense ideology is a viewpoint which distorts reality and justifies and legitimates the position of a social group.

Whatever values and viewpoints were embodied in the acts would have ultimately been those that were acceptable to the promoters.

With hindsight, such viewpoints may be seen as irrelevant, off-centre, or temporary.

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