a computer virus (= a program that secretly destroys information stored on computers )
Computer viruses do a lot of damage every single day.
a flu virus/bug
the spread of the flu virus
computer virus
deadly disease/virus
mystery virus
a mystery virus
This is a real bonus considering that anti-virus software is often responsible for slowing down your computer.
The mechanism responsible for secretion or intracellular retention of pre-S peptides in chronic hepatitis B virus infection is uncertain.
The association between chronic hepatitis C virus infection and hepatocellular carcinoma has been described, although the exact oncogenic mechanism is unknown.
Ashe has known since 1988 that he had the deadly virus .
For those who are not yet infected with this deadly virus , remaining uninfected is very important, and very possible.
Together with other treatments -- in a so-called drug cocktail -- they can reduce levels of the deadly virus to near zero.
He is the man carrying the deadly virus .
In fact, the Ebola virus might get a friendlier reception.
They distort his speeches and offer simplistic interpretations of his equating the HIV virus with poverty and inequality.
Combination therapies, including protease inhibitors, offer new hope for thousands with the HIV virus .
It is about Aids, and the way the HIV virus is devastating his country.
Researchers found that therapy can significantly reduce the amount of HIV virus in gay men suffering from the disease.
The earliest known specimen of the human immunodeficiency virus was found long after the death of its victim.
The human immunodeficiency virus is not airborne; it is not easily spread.
It remains to be seen whether vaccines or chemotherapy will play a greater part in controlling the human immunodeficiency virus .
They said there needed to be more research done, especially on people recently infected with the human immunodeficiency virus .
HIV-1, human immunodeficiency virus type 1.
However it began, the human immunodeficiency virus must be far older than any of its extant strains.
It is particularly important to check about vaccinations because many of them contain live virus .
They had to cultivate the live virus so they could fully study it.
Some of the first batches were thrown out because tests showed they may have contained live virus .
Yet they are the only animal known in whose bloodstream the AIDS virus survives for any length of time.
Evidence shows that the AIDS virus may also attack the nervous system, causing damage to the brain.
They are the 8 % of the population who have the Aids virus .
He draws a blood sample from Dan and heads out to have it tested for the AIDS virus .
Blood that has been collected for use is tested for the presence of antibody to the AIDS virus .
The more partners you have, the greater the risk of becoming infected with the AIDS virus .
Nevertheless, the theoretical risk of oral transmission of the AIDS virus exIsts and needs to be considered.
A computer virus A watch with a second hand doing double time.
In Wiltshire, a doctor has died from the flu virus .
One of the best natural examples of this is the ability of the flu virus to keep cropping up in new forms.
The earliest known specimen of the human immunodeficiency virus was found long after the death of its victim.
The human immunodeficiency virus is not airborne; it is not easily spread.
It remains to be seen whether vaccines or chemotherapy will play a greater part in controlling the human immunodeficiency virus .
They said there needed to be more research done, especially on people recently infected with the human immunodeficiency virus .
HIV-1, human immunodeficiency virus type 1.
However it began, the human immunodeficiency virus must be far older than any of its extant strains.
This rules out the possibility that autoantibodies are merely a consequence of hepatitis C virus infection .
This resurgence of measles disease underscored the need for new assays to characterize measles virus infections .
When the disk is found to be free from a virus infection it is given an electronic signature code.
He is suffering from an ankle injury and a virus infection .
But some virus infections can follow another path, other than the acute cycle of replication.
The mechanism responsible for secretion or intracellular retention of pre-S peptides in chronic hepatitis B virus infection is uncertain.
There is at present no reliable marker to determine whether autoimmunity or hepatitis C virus infection is the major disease process.
Over half the patients who acquire acute hepatitis C virus infection develop chronic hepatitis.
It can be triggered by viruses , including those that cause upper respiratory infections, such as the influenza virus.
The mystery virus , it was thought, would spread into the healthy tree, causing that too to become diseased.
When the blisters burst, they release virus particles that infect healthy animals.
Before a virus particle is prepared for the electron microscope it must be made static.
Virion: synonym for virus particle .
For every virus particle cleared, however, at least one new one replaces it.
At one time, and I became adversaries over the selection of polio virus strains to be used as oral vaccines.
First, how many types of polio virus existed?
The polio virus first invades the intestines, where it lives, replicates, and usually establishes harmless infection.
So, a polio vaccine tricks our body into making antibodies to the polio virus .
Membranous expression of pre-S1 also correlated significantly with the status of hepatitis B virus replication .
The other is use of protease inhibitors, a class of drugs with an unusual ability to quell virus replication .
There is no risk to human health from meat carrying the virus .
It is not really possible to know whether a person is carrying the virus or not.
He is the man carrying the deadly virus .
An acupuncturist at the clinic was found to be carrying the virus , which infects the liver.
The nuns say there is insufficient evidence that the chickens carry the virus .
The odds are that at least one of them carries the virus .
In that shop she had caught the virus of curiosity about the feeling of power over possessions.
They might be avoiding feeble males lest they catch a virus from them.
She skated off abruptly, called to service by customers who had caught the virus of her mood and were equally annoyed.
Feline leukaemia is caused by a specific virus , for which a vaccine is available.
They can not check the damage caused by the virus , which is by then present in large numbers in the body.
Any outbreak there, warn experts, would cause the virus to multiply enormously.
When caused by a virus , pneumonia is usually mild.
These can be inherited with other members of the family also having them, but are sometimes caused by the rubella virus .
A blood test can be used to find out whether a person's blood contains antibodies to the virus .
Some of the first batches were thrown out because tests showed they may have contained live virus .
It is particularly important to check about vaccinations because many of them contain live virus .
One in four million doses contains a virus that has reverted to its contagious and paralytic state.
Then his horses contracted a virus .
When he tried to return in 1992, several players said they were concerned about contracting the virus by playing against him.
He does not know when he contracted the virus .
Finally, D Roodman etal recently reported finding measles virus transcripts in cells derived from cultured pagetic bone.
Ludwig became convinced that he might find evidence of borna virus in humans expressing abnormal behavior.
On the other hand, aphids can infect raspberries with incurable virus diseases, and blackcurrant reversion is spread by big-bud mites.
No one knows how humans even become infected with the animal virus .
The genetically modified saplings will in due course be infected with the virus to test their resistance.
It also said some farmers had falsely claimed that their farms were infected with the virus to claim compensation.
Traditionally, that has meant injecting people with a weakened or killed version of the virus itself, triggering antibodies.
The enzymes of the mouth and the digestive acids of the stomach would very likely kill the virus .
Larvae thus become infected and are killed by the virus .
As drugs kill off the virus most susceptible to them, they leave behind the more resistant strains.
When some one gets a virus and becomes ill, the helper cells kill off the virus and usually they get better.
The hot water in a home or restaurant dishwasher easily kills the virus .
Once infected, people remain infectious all their lives and can pass the virus on to others.
Even before the antibody test is positive, the victim can pass the virus to others by methods that will be explained.
Any infected person can pass the virus to others.
And had not that song passed like a plague virus to every one of his fellow men in succeeding generations?
Variants slow to kill were favoured because their bearers lasted long enough to pass the virus on.
But the militants at grassroots level ruthlessly exploited discontent over pay and strikes spread like a virus .
But a very few aphids transmitting a virus can cause havoc to sugar beet, for instance.
But the bear might have transmitted the rabies virus .
Perhaps I have an asymptomatic case and transmitted the virus to him.
People who know they are positive will not willfully transmit the virus .
a vaccine which protects against Hepatitis B, a highly infectious virus which is transmitted sexually or by sharing infected needles.
A warning has gone out about a new virus that could wipe everything off your hard disk.
an anti-virus program
Computer users from around the world reported that the virus had invaded their systems.
He could be carrying the AIDS virus .
It is estimated that over thirty million people are now infected with the virus .
She thinks she picked up some kind of mystery virus while she was on vacation.
the virus that causes the common cold
the common cold virus
The disk was accidentally infected with a virus called "Stoned III."
There's a virus going around - four people in my office were sick last week.
You cannot get a virus from an email message alone.
It is a medical problem to attack the virus without attacking the normal cells.
Less than 5 percent seem to tolerate the virus without ever getting sick.
Once a person is infected they may recover naturally or they may become a chronic carrier of the virus .
One final, explosive question remains: Why did a virus that was once so rare suddenly burst into a global pandemic?
The virus opened the door for an onslaught of illnesses Pieters lists casually: hepatitis, pneumonia, shingles.
They are the 8 % of the population who have the Aids virus .
To retain Britain's disease-free status, we are told, we should not vaccinate livestock against the virus .