I. adjective
Now words become means to mediate a visionary experience of love and enlarge understanding.
The immediacy of these visionary experiences endows them with a high degree of intensity, but also renders them fleeting and transient.
In Section 2 we cover the personal qualities that are evident in visionary leaders and successful change makers.
No one would argue he is a visionary leader , that he is an outsider or a populist.
In addition to language, the visionary leader can use a range of dramaturgical devices capable of stimulating and arousing responses.
Ironically, the visionary leader who, through similar inconsistency, is labelled a good actor, risks losing credibility.
The visionary leader is a transformer, cutting through complex problems that leave other strategists stranded.
Iacocca is currently in danger of losing his status as a visionary leader , Carlzon has likewise run into difficulties.
For example, one is hard-pressed to find an example of a visionary leader who was not also adept at using language.
This is captured dramatically in this century's most infamous example of visionary leadership .
Despite the rarity of visionary leadership in recent years, Earth has been blessed with a host of true visionaries.
First, we assume that visionary leadership is a dynamic, interactive phenomenon, as opposed to a unidirectional process.
Ruthless management may succeed in holding change at bay for a while, but only visionary leadership will succeed over time.
In this sense visionary leadership is distinct from theatre.
For this reason we equate visionary leadership not just with an idea perse, but with the communicated idea.
Here we are concerned with the profoundly symbolic nature of visionary leadership .
An alternative image of visionary leadership might be that of a drama.
Fly away on a visionary cloud.
He identifies himself either with the visionary object or with its witness, the visionary subject.
More visionary railway schemes were got up in the inter-war years.
Schwab is reengineering its own business in one visionary leap that will require six years to execute.
The visionary leader is a transformer, cutting through complex problems that leave other strategists stranded.
II. noun
And a few visionaries are also charting ways to fit the automobile into a more livable lifestyle.
Clinton, sweeping smoothly over the recent nastiness, this week presented his friend as the visionary of a new Middle East.
Guided by an unlikely visionary named Walt, the artists at Disney did more than create an enduring new art form.
Gutzon Borglum was an ambitious man, to his own mind a visionary .
He is not a visionary , unlike those coastal intellectuals.
Meanwhile, a few visionaries are assessing prospects for still more extensive computerised information services.
She taught him what it meant to be a citizen, to be a visionary and to be a Catholic.
The new century presented challenges that visionaries thought the old forms could not meet.