This has been widely seen as an area where employment can be created and economic vitality encouraged.
Other benefits which come from having one's community served by public transport might include economic and social vitality .
Della Jones brings a new vitality to her mezzo arias.
A youngster identified with a mustang goes galloping down the street with a new vitality and personality.
Within weeks Combined Operations headquarters were to take on a new vitality .
Sections 241 and 242 were given new vitality in these two cases.
Charismatic renewal is a wonderful blessing for many and has brought a new vitality to worship and ministry in the Church.
In the past, great crises have created great opportunities and civilizations have surged forward with new vitality .
We shall therefore make constitutional and other changes that will give renewed vitality to our democracy.
Sections 241 and 242 were given new vitality in these two cases.
Such small changes are invaluable in giving themes renewed vitality , while at the same time preserving unity.
Sideways movement would produce much smaller variations, enough to give an image of vitality and movement.
Shakespeare not only gives variety and vitality to his characters, but he preserves each individuality throughout each play.
To represent means to take the past and make it live again, giving it immediacy, vitality .
The poet improves on nature, giving a landscape more vitality and heightened beauty.
Gail was someone who needed the stimulus of a big city to maintain her mental vitality .
He was a small man with enormous vitality .
Maintaining the state's economic vitality is an important issue in this fall's election.
There is an attractive vitality to John.
As it happened, a few sweet dozes over the next couple of days was enough to restore my vitality .
Della Jones brings a new vitality to her mezzo arias.
In their openness and vitality the students kindled in the young scholar an overwhelming sense of devotion to the institution.
The vitality of these cities, in fact, should make the existing business capitals of the industrial world nervous.
They are eager to try anything they hear will boost their immune system, vitality and libido.