Meaning of WARMLY in English



smile warmly (= in a friendly way )

The man looked at Kim and smiled warmly.

warmly applauded

A crowd of 300 supporters warmly applauded her speech.

warmly/suitably/scantily clad (= dressed warmly etc )


They welcomed us warmly .




His plans for better irrigation and agriculture were warmly applauded by the people of Lancre, who then did nothing about them.

Her speech was warmly applauded by a full chamber.

The 300-strong crowd of party supporters warmly applauded her when she argued Labour's policies would give a fair deal to women.


He entered the hospital ten minutes later and was warmly greeted by his colleagues.

When the consultant arrives for interviews, is he or she greeted warmly and given sufficient time for discussion?

I am greeted warmly by the headmaster.


The trio seemed like an oasis of sanity in a desert of decibels, and their severe music was warmly received .

There was a time when rafters and kayakers were not so warmly received .

In Northern Ireland our work has been warmly received by both communities and their churches.

Dole was warmly received by his fellow veterans, but several said they were skeptical of his economic plan.

His speech was warmly received and the marchers offered their complete support to the armed forces.

Metallics and Prodigal Prince were also performed, and both were warmly received .


Miss Glover, in one of her few interventions, said warmly that she believed such things could and did happen.


Once Chuck turned and grinned delightedly at her as he paused to mop his brow, and she smiled warmly back.

She babbled a lot and smiled warmly at her parents and the babysitter.

Next to him, Rose Mary, his wife and my good friend, smiled warmly .

He looked at us and smiled warmly .


The passengers charter has been warmly welcomed by many of my Back-Bench colleagues many of whom are sitting behind me.

Women have not been welcomed warmly into the ranks here.

However, instead of being welcomed warmly , Laura is greeted with chilly toleration and ill-concealed resentment.

Anyone living locally who wishes to become involved with any of the current projects will be warmly welcomed .

Mr. Nicholas Winterton I warmly welcome my hon. Friend's announcement.

Our revised code of guidance has been warmly welcomed by authorities.

He wanted to go to Caux for much needed rest and perspective others warmly welcomed him.


He was warmly wrapped up in a fur coat and had gloves on.

People were dancing everywhere, some in costume, some wrapped warmly against the cold.

They want to be warmly wrapped unlike Apis.


I sprang to my feet. "I am your man," I declared warmly .

We were warmly welcomed by the villagers.


Now, on a bright September morning, the sun shone warmly on the terrible little group that crossed the prison yard.

Some have actually instituted casual dress on snowy days so that workers can dress comfortably and warmly when the weather turns sour.

The Bill does that and more, and I hope that it will be warmly received.

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