Meaning of WASTING in English





To do so would risk purchasing care inappropriately and, by wasting money , could exacerbate inequalities.

I should not let them linger, wasting time, wasting money , until the spring brings them fresh hope.

I respond with one simple example of wasting money .


Having done this coolly and rationally there is less chance of wasting time between each job on deciding which to do next.

Decide exactly where and how you will jump them and avoid wasting time by taking long sweeps before and after fences.

The farmer approached at that moment and was angry with Tess for wasting time talking to a stranger.

They could see absolutely nothing and were wasting time and fuel.

I should not let them linger, wasting time , wasting money, until the spring brings them fresh hope.

But all this talk is wasting time .

Yet it is doubtful whether Baldwin was in fact wasting time .

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