Meaning of WATCHFUL in English





Up to now the police have played a passive role with the hippies, preferring to keep a watchful eye on them.

Thwarted, he then embraced her stiffly before taking the baby in his arms under the watchful eye of his wife.

Self-assured as ever, Abdullah's watchful eyes moved warily, arrogantly.

Even in peace time, the government has always kept a watchful eye on U.S.

Although its voluntary recruits diminished, the order had managed to limp on for nearly two centuries under Ixmarity's watchful eye .

Fifi and Manuel steal off for some private time from the watchful eyes of the extended family.

And now, as dawn broke, Driver Oliver kept a watchful eye on the slowly lightening coastline.

She booked them for clubs, special appearances, and kept a watchful eye on the money, and soon, Holly.


under the (watchful/stern etc) eye of sb

He flashed his security pass under the eyes of the two armed guards posted beside the exit door.

The hoopla also continued well into the night outside the casinos under the eyes of Las Vegas police and security guards.

They act out roles and techniques under the watchful eye of their instructors.

Thwarted, he then embraced her stiffly before taking the baby in his arms under the watchful eye of his wife.

Today, the Reichardt duck farm is run under the watchful eye of Jim Reichardt, great grandson of the original founder.

Voice over Back at the Young Telegraph, their final copy is put together under the watchful eye of a full-time reporter.


Alan became more watchful and uneasy as the evening went on.

Bill was in the kitchen, keeping a watchful eye on the children as he prepared lunch.

The fans left the ground quietly, under the watchful gaze of security cameras.

To guarantee the safety of your children in the water, make sure that a watchful adult is on hand at all times.


It was as if the Holy Spirit had taken his hands off and was standing back, observing, watchful .

She felt absolutely helpless and extremely vulnerable standing completely unclothed under his watchful eyes.

The restaurant was full of the usual noontime pack of watchful lobbyists and string-pullers.

Then he saw the watchful , ruthless, dissatisfied eyes.

There is a further constraint in that the Ministry of Defence will keep a watchful eye on any potential partner or owner.

Up to now the police have played a passive role with the hippies, preferring to keep a watchful eye on them.

We can see the soft expression in their eyes, caring and solicitous, watchful .

Your watchful siblings are the editors perched on your lamp shade, magnifying glasses poised to catch your mistakes.

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