Meaning of WIZENED in English



a wizened face

He barely recognized her wizened face and haggard features.

The wizened doctor slowly pressed three fingers against the artery in my wrist.

The door was opened by a wizened old man clutching a walking stick.


As he screamed, the fleshless man climbed on to his chest and crouched there, the wizened head darting to his throat.

At the advanced age of 71, Charles Bronson's wizened features are returning to the big screen.

He had a bony wizened face and an unhealthy pallor.

His face was remarkable: gaunt, wizened and pale, the skin pulled taut across the prominent bones.

In the centre was a small wizened bulb like a tiny onion.

The fellow's yellow, wizened face broke into a sharp-toothed smile.

The old man's wizened face lost its folds and wrinkles, the eyes firmed, clear blue in their trance-like stare.

The voice that came out of the wizened little mouth was loud and quite threatening.

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