Meaning of WOE in English





To win again in 1996 the Clintons must address the country's economic woes first.


The threat of at least one multi-million-dollar fine facing Koons and Sonnabend compounds their financial woes at this moment.

His arrival and the Raiders' existing financial woes have had an impact on various areas of the organization.

He said first he had to deal with the provincial government's financial woes and an economic downturn.



Keith will play with Amy but woe betide her if she does not hand him toys, her food etc.

The rules and regulations of her domain are established, and woe betide members of the household who break them.

She patrolled the aisles like a gaoler and woe betide you if that heavy tread stopped at your desk.

The teacher would call us up to the front of the class to recite it, and woe betide anyone who faltered.

Everything was meant to have been thought out and planned, and woe betide any signs of undue excitement or stress.

Bullying and overpowering, he believed that might was right and woe betide anyone who stood in his way.

If she answered back, woe betide her.

A short, dumpy lady shaped rather like a cottage loaf, she seldom smiled and woe betide anyone not paying attention.



Seven minutes later Raul added to Valencia's woes , slipping the third past Canizares after running from inside his own half.

The winter's rail disruption, floods and snow added to retailers' woes as shoppers stayed at home.


tale of woe

He bore a tale of woe from the Old World.

His morose ruminations were interrupted by Benny Katz, who wanted anyone he could find to listen to his tale of woe.

I spend a lot of time recounting tales of woe from friends and readers, but this one is my own.

Their musical tales of woe and spiritual import were needed more than ever.

woe betide sb


I saw more of human agony and woe than l trust I will ever again be called on to witness.

Keith will play with Amy but woe betide her if she does not hand him toys, her food etc.

She thought of the baby only as her last blunder in loving, a mistake leading her nearer to this dreadful woe .

The image left by these events was of a company besieged by technical, legal, marketing and customer-service woes.

The Magic situation is symbolic of the Lakers' woes.

You must listen to their interminable tales of marital woe .

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