Meaning of ARCHEO- in English

archeo- combining form

▶ with stress-neutral suffix ¦ɑːk i əʊ AmE ¦ɑːrk i oʊ — archaeoastronomy ˌɑːk i ə ʊ ə ˈstrɒn əm i AmE ˌɑːrk i oʊ ə ˈstrɑːn-

▶ with stress-imposing suffix ˌɑːk i ˈɒ+ AmE ˌɑːrk i ˈɑː+ — archaeopteryx ˌɑːk i ˈɒpt ə rɪks AmE ˌɑːrk i ˈɑːpt- BrE AmE

Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary.      Английский словарь произношений Longman.