Meaning of GALVANO- in English

galvano- combining form

▶ with stress-neutral suffix ¦ɡælv ə n ə ɡæl ¦væn ə — galvanoscope ˈɡælv ə n ə skəʊp ɡæl ˈvæn- AmE -skoʊp BrE AmE

▶ with stress-imposing suffix ˌɡælv ə ˈnɒ+ AmE -ˈnɑː+ — galvanoscopy ˌɡælv ə ˈnɒsk əp i AmE \ -ˈnɑːsk- BrE AmE

Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary.      Английский словарь произношений Longman.