geo- combining form
▶ with stress-neutral suffix ¦dʒiː ə ʊ AmE ¦dʒiː oʊ — geothermal ˌdʒiː ə ʊ ˈθɜːm ə l ◂ AmE -oʊ ˈθɝːm- BrE AmE
▶ with stress-imposing suffix dʒi ˈɒ+ AmE dʒi ˈɑː+ — geophagy dʒi ˈɒf ədʒ i AmE -ˈɑːf- BrE AmE
geo- combining form
▶ with stress-neutral suffix ¦dʒiː ə ʊ AmE ¦dʒiː oʊ — geothermal ˌdʒiː ə ʊ ˈθɜːm ə l ◂ AmE -oʊ ˈθɝːm- BrE AmE
▶ with stress-imposing suffix dʒi ˈɒ+ AmE dʒi ˈɑː+ — geophagy dʒi ˈɒf ədʒ i AmE -ˈɑːf- BrE AmE
Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary. Английский словарь произношений Longman. 2012