hypno- combining form
▶ with stress-neutral suffix ¦hɪp nəʊ AmE -noʊ — hypnotherapy ˌhɪp nəʊ ˈθer əp i AmE ˌhɪp noʊ- BrE AmE
▶ with stress-imposing suffix hɪp ˈnɒ+ AmE -ˈnɑː+ — hypnology hɪp ˈnɒl ədʒ i AmE -ˈnɑːl- BrE AmE
hypno- combining form
▶ with stress-neutral suffix ¦hɪp nəʊ AmE -noʊ — hypnotherapy ˌhɪp nəʊ ˈθer əp i AmE ˌhɪp noʊ- BrE AmE
▶ with stress-imposing suffix hɪp ˈnɒ+ AmE -ˈnɑː+ — hypnology hɪp ˈnɒl ədʒ i AmE -ˈnɑːl- BrE AmE
Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary. Английский словарь произношений Longman. 2012