Meaning of POLL in English

poll noun, verb BrE AmE pəʊl ⇨pɒʊl, § pɒl AmE poʊl —but in the obsolete senses 'parrot', 'student taking pass degree' was pɒl ‖ pɑːl

▷ polled pəʊld ⇨pɒʊld AmE poʊld

▷ polling ˈpəʊl ɪŋ ⇨ˈpɒʊl- AmE ˈpoʊl ɪŋ

▷ polls pəʊlz ⇨pɒʊlz AmE \ poʊlz

▶ ˈ polling booth BrE AmE

▶ ˈ polling day BrE AmE

▶ ˈ polling ˌ station BrE AmE

▶ ˈ poll tax BrE AmE

Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary.      Английский словарь произношений Longman.