Meaning of PROTO- in English

proto- combining form

▶ with stress-neutral suffix ¦prəʊt əʊ AmE ¦proʊt̬ oʊ — Proto-Norse ˌprəʊt əʊ ˈnɔːs ◂ AmE ˌproʊt̬ oʊ ˈnɔːrs ◂ BrE AmE

with stress-imposing suffix BrE AmE prəʊ ˈtɒ+ AmE proʊ ˈtɑː+

▷ — protogynous prəʊ ˈtɒdʒ ɪn əs - ə n- AmE proʊ ˈtɑːdʒ-

Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary.      Английский словарь произношений Longman.